What is AI technology?
AI full form:- (artificial intelligence) John McCarthy The father of artificial intelligence. today the technology of AI Among Us is progressing a lot. Some AI is good us but some AI is sharp us. AI is moving forward in this decade. as:- AI robots AI apps and any parts of AI Technology. It can also stop many of our work. Because because robots do too many things. In future, robots can destroy the human race as well.
How Robots Will Stop Our Work?
It will be a danger to us in the future. AI can do anything. If it ain't a bomb, it ain't less than a bomb. In future, AI robots can destroy the human race as well. so far it has eaten up the Job. This company is open AI. Open AI was invented in 2015.Its founder is same Altmen.And second founder Elone Musk. Elon Musk invested Rs 400 crore in it. But it left open AI in 2018.
what is technology?
technology is such a word that changed the world everything around us is technology .as:- mobile, computer, internet, TV, machine and any parts of Technology. it is can Stanley changing and will continue to change. as the world moves on. as Technology progress.
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